Now is SSH 29 April 2015++ (Akun SSH 30 April 2015 United States)

Now is SSH 29 April 2015++ (Akun SSH 30 April 2015 United States)

SSH USA 29 April 2015 Fast America Host| Secure Shell or SSH is a network protocol that encrypt for running shell sessions or it could be called terminal (text based) with secure, cannot be read by others. With SSH, you can run a command on a machine located near the goal without purpose machine or directly using the machine's purpose, the term Remote. The user can also create an insecure network (like on a public network, wifi, etc.) into a secure network, because connect via SSH Tunneling. ssh update 30 April 2015. ssh download 30 April 2015 Canada. (ssh vpn server 29 April 2015 Fast Squid).
new ssh 30 april 2015
SSH has been created and designed to replace the Telnet and all remote Protocol is not secure. Secure Shell used on the operating system Linux or Unix System but windows operating systems can also use it with the help of a particular program.

Today, SSH is used as a free internet point, without reducing quotas or pulse. This is one of the uses of SSH which is forwarding or tunneling. Often used additional tools such as injection, proxyfier, proxy, etc. But now I am not discussing the internet free, but maybe other ditopik I will probably discuss it, perhaps tablets.
 SSH Gratis Update:
Port 443, 80 is Dropbear : Port 109, 143 is OpenSSH

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