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Computer network (Network) is the primary means of forming a network the internet. Computer networks can be either local or global network of networks. When discussing computer network, you will see the term, client server, and workstations.
Computer network (Network) is the primary means of forming a network the internet. Computer networks can be either local or global network of networks. When discussing computer network, you will see the term, client server, and workstations.
computer network is a group of computers connected. broadly speaking, the computer connection is done by two ways. the first way is using a cable while the second way not using cable. the network allows the computer communicate with other computers. with this capability, the transfer of data between comput! ers can be done easily, in addition, the network allows one tool used by several computers. For example a network composed by three computers and one printer. The printer is installed on one computer network members. in this way the printer can also be ruled out of the other two computers.
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