Fast SSH 11 Juni 2015 Singapore : SSH Update 12 June 2015 Indonesia

Fast SSH 11 Juni 2015 Singapore : SSH Update 12 June 2015 Indonesia

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What about the VPS? VPS is designed to cover the deficiencies as presented above. With VPS technology, PAL can set the whole technical aspect of the server, perform a tuning, configuration! and so on. Ideal as a medium of web applications that are more "weight" and more visitors.

The advantages of using a VPS is a resources/resources that larger, more bandwidth, PAL can make an application or "laying off" some of your website/blog in one VPS, and so on. Deficiency of VPS is a PAL are required to know a wide variety of technical aspects in the management of the server and VPS lease costs are usually more expensive than shared hosting.

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