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On system cloud, your website hosting it on a set of servers that are interconnected to e! ach other and function as a single entity. You don't have to rely on a single server machine only â" if one of the server machine is broken, the other server machine will soon be taking over with a short time lag until the failure of the server (server downtime) becomes very minimal.
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The website you get a resource allocation devoted (CPU, RAM and disk capacity) that are not shared with other users. If your site gets a lot of visitors and requires more resources, you can easily upgrade to a better hosting package with the amount of resources a lot more. If a user exceeds the limits of the use of the resources already allocated for it, then only the user of the website in question alone will experience a decrease in performance/could not be loaded. Premium Server From Hosting VPN, VPS, Host Singapore and Indonesia. Dropbear Port : 443 or 80 and OpenSSH Port : 109 and 143.
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