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The job of managing the network also will get worse if the location of the host hundreds of scattered in several buildings or located in some cities to the network with a larger scale. All of that makes the company will be increasingly difficult to set up the network and always thought how the most effective way to control the network.
The job of managing the network also will get worse if the location of the host hundreds of scattered in several buildings or located in some cities to the network with a larger scale. All of that makes the company will be increasingly difficult to set up the network and always thought how the most effective way to control the network.
To make it easier to manage your network with broader scale the network (network), it should be separated in! to a number of smaller networks. Set up multiple networks of small occupants only dozens of hosts would certainly be easier than on organizing a large network containing hundreds if not hundreds of thousands/host. In this proposal, the technique of separating these networks can be implemented for local networking between cities or in other words the Metro Network Lan between buildings, the application of the Protocol implementation in conjunction with metrolan Virtual Private Network (VPN).
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