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What the heck is in the meaning of Cloud Storage it?? Cloud Storage Is a storage medium in access require Internet network. But of course the file is on the computer where we have to create an account cloud storage more. Small example if we are a web designer then we need the files in the form of images, fonts, flash, tutorials etc. well to make it easier in work then we should use the media storage cloud storage. Because the cloud storage can be time and p! lace in such storage media using compare flashdisk or CD.
What the heck is in the meaning of Cloud Storage it?? Cloud Storage Is a storage medium in access require Internet network. But of course the file is on the computer where we have to create an account cloud storage more. Small example if we are a web designer then we need the files in the form of images, fonts, flash, tutorials etc. well to make it easier in work then we should use the media storage cloud storage. Because the cloud storage can be time and p! lace in such storage media using compare flashdisk or CD.
For example, at one time we missed a Flash or a broken cd pieces. then we're going to the trouble of for working on a task if there is data in the media. However, when the data we stored in "cloud", then we can access it whenever and wherever we can connect with the Internet. so we don't have to worry about the flsahdisk forget brought or damaged.
SSH Gratis Update-Port 443, 80 is Dropbear : Port 109, 143 is OpenSSH
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